Halloween | Simple Glitter Skull Make-up Tutorial

Getting into the spirit of Halloween, just before I jet off to Ibiza for the weekend, I thought I would put together a SUPER SIMPLE, Glittery Skull Makeup look! Last year’s Glam Half Skull Make-up Look has had over 1 million impressions on Pinterest with over 12,000 of you pinning it to your boards. It is absolutely crazy to me, knowing that amount of people have seen my face.

Do you have Pinterest too? Follow me here, I’m an addict.

For this look all you really need is black and white face paint, a metallic face paint of your colour of choice (I went for bronze) and a glitter that matches! You can go as crazy as you want with the glitter. I wish I had put more on now, but I was running out of time. I hope you enjoy this look and if you give it a go yourself make sure you tweet me a picture!

As you can see, I did start on doing the neck as well, but as it was getting dark and my OCD was kicking in to clean up the small mess I had made, I gave up. If you choose to do the neck as well, I salute you. Oh, and if you paint your ears black, like I did, make sure you clean them properly afterwards – because, it sure is embarrassing when a stranger asks what you have inside your ears…

With a damp brush (not wet) apply a white base across your skin. I just did this directly over the make-up I had on during the day but you can do it straight onto your skin first. The best way to apply a white base without it going patchy or streaky, is to buff it in, in circular motions. Always test it on the back of your hand first. If the brush is too wet, this will not work.

For those who want a super easy white base, Illamasqua do a white foundation.

With a fine brush, Crownbrush UK have a great selection, start to mark out the detail. Two big circles around the eyes, carve out a nose, and then start to mark in your jaw line and teeth. Slowly, slowly add shading and detail.

Once you are happy with the black and white areas, you can then get to the fun bit and add in more detail with a metallic paint. Choose whatever colour you feel comfortable with. I added bronze to the teeth, the tip of my nose, and around my jaw line. I also applied it like eyeshadow to my eye lids.

THE BEST BIT IS NEXT. For the glitter all you need is lash glue and of course, glitter. I actually had some Glitter Lips products, which to be honest, I am not entirely sure is okay to use on the eyes, but hey ho, I did anyway. You just need a form of adhesive and something sparkly of your choice. I only added the glitter to the eye lids, and a little bit to around the mouth.

To make the black stronger, and for any little areas of detail I used MAC Black Track eye liner – but be warned, to remove this you will need an oil based cleanser, or it becomes a right pain in the ass to take off.

There you go, told you, really easy! Honestly, if I can put this together anyone can, and it took me around 20 minutes even with taking photographs in between. What plans do you have for Halloween? I am looking forward to experiencing Ibiza around this time of year!

Don’t forget to show me your Halloween make-up looks 😉


Working In Ibiza: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.


From Lancome, With Love.