Sunday Musings | Aspire to Inspire before you Expire

Sunday Musings | Aspire to Inspire before you Expire
Sunday Musings | Aspire to Inspire before you Expire
Sunday Musings | Aspire to Inspire before you Expire
Sunday Musings | Aspire to Inspire before you Expire
Source Pinterest
What do you aspire to be?
Who do you wish to inspire?
These two questions I often tick over in my mind, but not often enough do I think about the answer thoroughly.
I remember, at the beginning of my make-up career, I assisted a very well known make-up artist. We were chatting about the industry and I hung on to her every word. I really looked up to this woman, I still do for that matter. She fascinated me however, as I felt like she wasn’t truly happy, you know, just painting faces all day long; even though to me at the time, she had my dream job. Deep down, she explained, she felt like she wasn’t doing her part, giving enough of herself, to life, to others. Spiritually speaking, being a make-up artist, she felt she wasn’t really contributing, to anything other than a grand money making industry, the world of beauty, and wanted so much more for herself.
I never forgot that conversation, and without even knowing, a seed was planted within me. I feel exactly the same now. What am I doing with my life? I honestly have moments where I just want to up sticks and travel the world, just to help others. Teach English, build schools, volunteer in an orphanage, that kind of real gritty life stuff. To some this may sound incredibly cheesy, but I am just being honest.
Applying make-up to client’s faces, I genuinely feel wonderful, knowing that once that final bit of mascara is applied they will feel so much better about themselves. It is what I love about my job the most, seeing that confidence suddenly bloom, it is beautiful how make-up can help women and men feel better.
But, what if I want something more?
I know, only too well, that life is far too short. Now, is the only time, that you can really do something with your life, not tomorrow, or the year after.
One of my good friends, he strives for world peace. That is his only mission in life. Quite a bold statement isn’t it? He text me the other day. I was sat at my desk whilst he was sunbathing in Ibiza. He then casually threw out how he has planted 300 trees in the last few months, and how his next goal is to plant a further 3000, just so he can create a forest for people to walk through and pick fruit and to just be, happy. I could talk for days about Rainbow City and what they are trying to achieve. There is a link in my sidebar if you would like to read more.
My point is, he strives to plant 3000 trees, and my goals are to fill my make-up kit with every last piece of Charlotte Tilbury, Chantecaille and Tom Ford make-up. Yup. It put’s life, well my life, into perspective. 
I get we are all different human beans, and we are all on different paths, but we all live on the one same Mother Earth.
I recycle. I give money to charity. I am kind and giving. But am I really doing enough? Am I some one who truly inspires another?
I am still figuring out what it is that I wish to aspire to be, who I want to become. I can feel that who I am is changing, and that is a good thing, I am evolving into the best version of me. Embrace who you are. Don’t conform to who you think you should be. Most importantly,  be true to yourself.
Who and what inspires you? I want to hear your stories.



  • Jessie Lewis

    This is a really interesting post and has really given me some food for thought! At the moment I am so caught up with getting good grades and passing university that I haven’t given anything else much of a look at to be honest. I guess, in the grand scheme of things, there is more to life than just wanting to do well and being successful, but for the moment in time I just aspire to be a hard-working individual and someone who is passionate about what they do! Maybe after the crazy weeks of dissertation writing come to an end will I be able to focus on other things more passionately. I loved this post, thank you Zoe 🙂 xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  • Zoe Robson

    This is so great. It’s absolutely something that I often forget to think about, and before I know it, I look back on a decision or a situation I’ve found myself in, and I have to think ‘WHY am I doing this. WHY have I ended up here’. I’ve been trying to train myself to be much better at thinking before doing, even though I’m big on going with my gut.
    Honestly, its pretty reassuring to know that you’re not the only one, so thanks for a great post!


  • Heather Mcknight

    This was a really interesting read, and I can definitely see where you’re coming from. I would take great satisfaction that you however can change lives, sure, it’s not “in a grand scale of things”, but you apply makeup to faces that perhaps need a little pick me up; whether that be the individual wants to impress their partner on their wedding day, to impress their friends for a few drinks, or whether they just want to feel better about themselves and their appearance. Make up, while yes it won’t save lives, does and can help transform the quality of lives for some people. One of the main charities I support, Look Good Feel Better, strives to make woman feel better just by the power of makeup alone, and it works! I wouldn’t get too caught up in the whole “grand plan”, just enjoy what you’re doing right now and understand that you are helping people, even just for personal reasons. Keep your eyes open for opportunities and i’m sure the rest will come naturally! At the end of the day, you’re only young, you still have plenty left to give and i’m sure that one day you will find a way!

    Heather, porcelainbeautyx


  • Laura Louise

    I love reading these posts. Always nice to think about the bigger picture and reflect on yourself. I always find myself questioning my life, career and if I am doing enough. I think I’m currently happy with where I am at and I think it’s important to think relatively and realistically about what is achievable to you, realistic to you and most fundemental….your values and interests. One person’s lifestyle and method of beliefs is NOT FOR ALL hence why we have such a diverse range of people, lifestyles and religion on this planet. I’m all for listening to others and what their values are but I never think that it should be forced upon others, or if you don’t share the values, you shouldn’t be looked down upon or rubbished 😉 I think if you have the right education and have an open mind then your path will fall into place.

    Yes, I like material things, nice makeup, clothes and shoes and I’m not ashamed of that and never will be. I also do charity work, am a wonderful friend to those I love, support wonderful causes and try and help others in need when I can. I think the key is balance and happiness… and that is different for all individuals.

    I can’t wait to hear about your time when you go to Rainbow city! x

  • Jo Fisher

    Such a lovely thoughtful piece Zoe, I love these types of posts! It’s a huge question which I also struggle with and, to be honest, causes me to run and hide to avoid thinking about how big and scary and short life really is. I feel like my life is about to change dramatically and I need to find a way to help myself through it. Writing and words inspires me, and I want to impact and inspire other people with what I write – but my little blog is nowhere near achieving that, and I haven’t the guts to sit down and start writing THAT novel or set of poems. Maybe Iwill start though. I can’t be a writer if I don’t write, and I feel it’s what I’ve always been destined to do. But even if I only influence one other person…that would be nice. I feel so inspired by so many people, even you, so please remember that 🙂 And if makeup is a passion of yours, don’t feel that’s not enough – I admire people who can contour and apply foundation perfectly. It’s an art! I wish I could do it 🙂

    Sorry to go on!

    Jo x
    She Wears Burgundy