Bb.Straight Blow Dry by Bumble & Bumble

A review of the new Bb.Straight Blow Dry by Bumble & Bumble
A review of the new Bb.Straight Blow Dry by Bumble & Bumble
Introducing the Bb Straight Blow Dry*. A styling balm for hair just like mine, thick and frizzy. It is also suitable for those of you who fall into the curly, unmanageable, unruly and coarse category. I sure have a lot of hair, that always gets knotty and as soon as I walk outside it will start to go wavy and double in weight and size. The idea of this balm is to smooth and soften the hair so that it is left looking sleek and healthy, and the more often you use this in your hair routine, the more manageable your hair will become. 
I rarely use a flat paddle brush to style my hair, and I rarely wear it straight. I prefer to use a round brush to quickly blast my hair off, and then I just leave it to do it’s own thing – a mix of straight and wavy sections. It holds no “style” and looks dull and lifeless unless I curl it. So, putting this product to the test, I was hoping to see a real difference. And a difference I did see. 
I put a blob, sorry no other word for it, of this product into my hands and ran it through freshly washed, damp hair. I then used a flat paddle brush to blow dry sections of my hair straight. Now I have a lot of hair, but even so, this did not take me too long to do. I was impressed at just how smooth and straight my hair looked as I switched off the hair dryer. I have an awful lot of split ends at the moment as it is due a salon session, so for it to look this sleek ensures Straight Blow Dry gets the thumbs up from me.
Now, when you go to a salon to get your hair professional blow dryed, more often than not, this “style” stays put for a good three to four days. My hair for the last three days has indeed remained smooth and soft, without any frizz at all. 
There are two other balms available in this collection of styling products, including the All Style Blow Dry which contains oil absorbing powders and the other is the Repair Blow Dry. 
What are your Bumble and Bumble must haves?



  • Ohh I’ve been looking at a balm, my hair is soo frizzy and uncontrollable I think this is going to be the hair product I need!! 🙂

  • I haven’t yet tried Bumble and Bumble 🙁 I do need something like this to put in my hair before blow drying- I use an oil/serum afterwards but it’s not quite enough to combat the thick frizz!! xx

    Ramblings of a Beauty Bird | Beauty Blog

    • Styling balms definitely help combat frizz, but using an oil on top will help too! xx

  • Ohh you’re such a beauty, and your face just makes me want this. Even if its a blow dry cream haha. I can’t blow dry my hair to save my life, so any products are welcomed!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    • Annabel. You are too kind. I had to learn the art of blow drying, quickly, as my hair is like an afro without proper styling. So much of it, it needs to be tamed into place! xxx

  • Grace Healey

    I love their thickening range… and the surf spray is amazing!

  • Sophie Blumenthal

    You look amaaaaaazing. What is that lipstick, its stunning!

    Sophie x

    • ooooh you are too kind Sophie. Erm. it is a lip liner from Crownbrush, that isn’t actually out yet, naughty me, it is called Milk Chocolate, and should be online next week. I put a little bit of MAC Yash over the top 🙂 xxx

  • Elise Dopson

    Your hair is gorgeous! This sounds amazing – I rarely use hair styling products but you’re making me want to buy it, haha! x
    Elise @ Elise Dopson

    • Thanks Elise!! Try and get a sample from a SpaceNK before you buy it 🙂 Then you will know if it is something you will keep in your routine xx