Dr Organic Dead Sea Mineral Eye Rescue Rollerball

Dr Organic Dead Sea Mineral Eye Rescue Rollerball
Dr Organic Dead Sea Mineral Eye Rescue Rollerball
Dr Organic Dead Sea Mineral Eye Rescue Rollerball
Hello lovelies. How are you all?
Today I am going to talk about a rather smashing new discovery of mine, an eye saviour! Say hello to Dr Organic Dead Sea Mineral Eye Rescue Rollerball – a  bit of a mouthful I know.
For Christmas my step-dad had bought me a beauty advent calendar, for the life of me I cannot remember which one, but I do remember thinking “Crikey this is posh!” It was filled with organic, natural, high end beauty products from skincare, to bath salts to hair oil. It was really lovely and one of my favourite gifts.
Behind one of the windows was this eye rollerball. I have previously used Dr Organics shampoo & conditioner before, which my mum actually stole from me before I got to write about it, but anyway, I digress, my point being I quite liked previous products I had tried from this brand so was looking forward to testing this out.
Having used Lush Enchanted Eye cream for so long – seriously, the stuff just doesn’t run out – it was quite (literally) refreshing to use this product. When you pop the lid off there is a silver roller ball which you then press and “roll” around the eye area. It is cold on the skin and this in itself is instantly soothing, but at the same time a pick me up. I like to use this in a morning to “wake” up. Sometimes a little residue is left on the skin but I gently pat this in with my ring finger and it is quickly absorbed.
As a three in one eye serum it tackles puffiness, tired eyes and dark circles! All of which I suffer with, and first thing in the morning I am not a pretty site, so to have this at hand has been a life saver. I have been using it for a month now and I have seen a massive improvement in my dark circles and the skin around my eyes definitely feels firmer and smoother.
How does it work?
Dead sea minerals help with all sort of things beneficial to the skin, such as the elasticity, promotes healthy skin regeneration, protects the skin from infection as well as helping to retain moisture.
It contains a couple of magic ingredients, Probiotic Stressed Yeast extract increases cellular oxygen consumption to energise the skin, Betain controls excessive fluid build up and Rhodiola Rosea reduces fat deposits and boosts cell metabolism.
This has now become my go to morning eye product as well as being a staple part of my skincare routine. Of an evening I still use my Lush eye cream but I rarely choose to use it of a morning. Dr Organic wins every time.