The Start of Something New…. #ArtyProject

The Start of Something New.... #ArtyProject

The Start of Something New.... #ArtyProject
The Start of Something New.... #ArtyProject

What a lovely little feeling it is to create a little
community, which all stemmed from a spontaneous conversation between two
strangers. Let me introduce you to the #ArtyProject.
Earlier this month, I stumbled across a blog post, written
by Vicky of Describe The Sky. In this post she talked about how she misses
drawing and how she really wanted to pick up a pencil again, to make time for
something she loved. I could totally relate to this. Drawing and painting are
hobbies I thoroughly enjoy, yet I never make time for them anymore. I was
always good at Art at school and college, it was something I was proud of. Over
the last couple of years I have tried putting my skills to the test, creating
little posts on this here blog of mine, but I never had anything to stick to,
to urge me forward. See my illustration posts here.
And so an idea was born, the #ArtyProject.
Emails exchanged between Vicky and myself, triggered the
idea of creating a new series for our blogs, one that would allow us to be
creative once again. We then took to Twitter to see if any of you guys fancied
joining in with us.
What is the #ArtyProject?
It is a brand new series, every two months a theme will be
chosen and upon this theme all those involved have the chance to create a “final
piece”. Each fortnight going forward there will be updates on the progress of
this project, be it your research, a sketchbook, some form of documentation
showing how your piece of art is evolving. Your final piece has no
restrictions, it is art after all. It could be anything from a doodle, to a
full blown masterpiece, to a comic book strip or mixed media on a canvas.

Whether photography, drawing, painting, videography or illustration is your
forte, or if even if you are a complete novice but fancy doing something
creative, something out of your comfort zone, you are more than welcome to join
What is the Theme?
Danielle came up with our very first theme: Beauty. As we
are all beauty bloggers this seemed the most logical theme to begin with. There
are so many interpretations of this word and what it means, so it will be
exciting to see how all of us take this theme to create our very first final
My Idea?
Honestly? I have absolutely no bloody clue where to begin, I
plan to research and overdose on Pinterest and indulge in my stash of art
Meet the Bloggers Taking Part so far:

This is not a competition. This is not about whether you are
good or bad at art. We are not here to judge one and other. This is about doing
something a little different than the usual product review, this is about
nourishing our creative bones and encouraging one and other to flourish in a
hobby that we may have otherwise left to fizzle out. We will be tweeting and posting
across our social media using the hashtag #ArtyProject, so make sure you check
that out to keep up to date with our projects.
I am so excited to get stuck into this theme and I am absolutely thrilled these ladies are a part of this, it is a pleasure to have you all on board and I am already looking forward to seeing your ideas.

We would love this little community to grow and so I am
inviting you, yes you, to join in with the #ArtyProject. Feel free to email me [email protected] or simply drop me a