Recess is Over | Share The Love

Who remembers watching Recess? I used to watch it religiously of a weekend,  with my sisters! I loved Gretchen, she was awesome. God I miss watching cartoons. Good times. 
Recess, if you haven’t heard of it, or had the pleasure of watching an episode during your child hood, it is a cartoon series based in a school playground. The main characters, known as the Recess Gang, as pictured above, are all different shapes and sizes, diferent ethnicity, different sense of style, but all of them, and this is the key here, are best of friends. They are accepting of each others different personalities. They are accepting of different attitudes. They have each other’s backs. 
Also in the
show, are these guys, The Ashleys.
Every school playground has The Ashleys. This group of girls always caused trouble, drama, their
catchphrase: Scandalous. They would
disrupt the playground’s balance of nature, causing havoc, being cruel – BULLYING. 
As a child,
one of the reasons I enjoyed watching this show was because at the end of every
episode the Recess Gang would stand up
The Ashleys, and all would be right. It showed that being nice was the
right thing to do, and that picking on other kids was WRONG. 
So why I am
talking about this today?
You would think as a 25 year old, I wouldn’t
feel the need to talk about the lessons learnt from the cartoons I used to
watch as a child.
You would also think that you leave the immature patterns
and behaviour of a school playground behind when you step out into the big wide
world, when you become a mature adult. 
for some poor, immature, PATHETIC, souls out there in this blogging community.
They have somehow got stuck inside a time warp, enabling them to stay locked
inside the school playground.
Since when
was it okay, not just as adults, but as people of any age, to be mean to
others? When was it okay to call other’s names? When was it okay to make fun
and victimise the people around you?
Let me just
get one thing straight here
. I am not writing this post to “get involved in
drama” or to “jump on board the bandwagon”. This post comes from the heart,
to me, sitting back and not saying anything on this current matter is just
morally wrong.
I have made
some beautiful, BEAUTIFUL, friends through blogging. I am blessed that this
community I belong to has introduced me to many fabulous ladies and gents. I am
proud of each and every one of you who share my blogging world. I cherish you all.
Encouragement. Support. Loyalty. That is what
friendship is about.  This is why I am writing today.
INFURIATES me, right to my core, that still in today’s society, people are bullied.
What person in their right mind sets up a website, which has forums and threads
where people CHOOSE to discuss hurtful things? Why would you not close this
down immediately, when you hear people are getting upset?
I have heard
myself saying a lot: “Just rise above it, don’t reply, hold your head high” or “Don’t
lash back because it will get you nowhere”.
I do stand by
this, but at the same time, what makes it fair? Why should you sit quietly, put
on a fake smile, whilst inside you are crying and considering giving up?
When I
started blogging I had no idea how competitive it could become, or how
seriously some take this. I also had no idea that some of you in this blogging
world, are downright NASTY PEOPLE.
So to the
people behind the website I am referring to, I won’t mention the name here, when you are older and have
children of your own, you will no doubt encourage their dreams, encourage them
to become successful, yes? Are you going to also warn them that with success,
people will always try and put you down? I hope so, and then I hope you sleep
really, really well at night.
Bluntly,  grow up and do something more
productive with your time. Apply for a personality transplant, or just stop
being downright cruel.
Yes, it is
sadly common knowledge with success, a cloud of negativity follows you around.
Someone, somewhere, will do what they can to try and bring you down. It has
become okay, the norm, acceptable, that this happens.
Is this
right? I don’t think so.
I chose to
leave the playground a long time ago, and even when I chilled out in the
sandpit you didn’t see me pulling other girls hair or throwing stones. I chose
to be nice to others. It is a choice we all make, to play nice.
So come on
girls and boys, whether you are in the playground still or not, can we just all
learn to get along? Support each other like adults? Hold each other up, when we
are down! Have some respect. Congratulate each other on our successes and embrace LOVE.
All you need is a little LOVE.
I feel our community needs more love, and a big fat cuddle so here is my way of expressing this with a virtual hug and smooch.