Barry M TMLP | Lip Paint | The Review

A photo of the top of a Barry M LipstickA photograph of Barry M lipstick
A photograph of Barry M TMLP Lip Paint


I must apologise guys, I am not usually a Sheep when it comes to the Beauty Blogging world…
Nevertheless, when the beaut that is Megan from Wonderful You wrote about this awesome lipstick, I had to get my mitts on it. First of all, lime green is my favourite colour, so straight away Barry M had my attention. Secondly, when you apply it to your lips it CHANGES TO PINK! WOOOAH NESSY. It really is like magic.
I had never tried any of the Barry M lipsticks before so was really looking forward to trying the TMLP lip paint. I worry a little about trying any new brand of lipstick because my lips are SO dry all the time. On the first application of this lipstick, I hadn’t exfoliated my lips properly so I found where I had dryer skin the lipstick stained my lips even darker. (In the photo below you can see what I mean as even after exfoliating my cracked lips I still had dry patches). This is a problem I have with most lipsticks so it’s not something I would hold against this particular brand. I just need to find a better lip balm.


A photo of Barry M TMLP Lip Paint


For just £4.49 this really is a bargain. My lips turned the perfect shade of pink and the colour stayed on all day long.. even when I tried to cleanse it off it would literally not budge. I think this is due to the waterproof formula designed to stain your lips for up to 8 hours. As for whether you will get the same shade of pink as me, that is entirely down to the alkaline levels in your lips. The formula reacts to everyone differently.
Swatch of Barry M Lip Paint TMLP
Swatch of Barry M Lip Paint TMLP


A photo of Zoe Newlove wearing a Barry M Lip Paint
What I also liked about this product, is the fact it contains Aloe Vera so the
lipstick will not dry out your lips. If you are like me and have
sandpaper lips, mm sexy, then you will not have to worry about this
flaking off.
All I need to do is to find the perfect lip liner for this and then I will be a happy bunny!
See you soon guys,